Explore below to learn more about our farm.
The Farm
Our farm sits on 56 acres of beautiful Earth just off the beaten path in Burlington, North Carolina. We purchased the farm in 2005 and have been raising sheep, Briard dogs, llamas and chickens ever since. Using the wool from our flock of Navajo Churro , Corriedale, Morritt Corriedale and Dorset sheep we make a variety of eco-friendly, 100% wool products designed to enhance your lives. In every way, we seek to preserve the ways of the past, while honoring Mother Nature. Preservation is always of utmost importance in all our decision making. We neither plow or mow aggressively. We do not use synthetic or commercial fertilizers. We have implemented multiple conservation programs on the farm, including water and forestry. We practice rotational grazing for the health of our sheep and our pastures. We do not use chemicals on our land or animals. Mother nature tells us what and where to plant, when to breed, wean and feed. We adhere to permaculture principles, meaning that each part of our diverse farm benefits from and is a benefit to several other parts of our operation. We consider ourselves stewards of this land and our animals.
Our Animals
The livestock and animals raised on Stoney Mountain Farm are honored by respecting their natural habits and habitats. Conventional methods of parasite control are avoided; we use a microscope to assess parasite loads before hand and we only worm on an as-needed basis. The animals are provided with the opportunity to nurture and doctor on their own. We never use hormones. The pastures are planted with black walnut, rosemary, dock and other natural remedies which animals instinctively go to when needed. We harvest our own hay from this farm and when we have to supplement we buy only the highest quality. We replenish our pastures with our own compost and never add synthetic fertilizers. Although we are always present and aware of our animals' needs, we believe that the animals themselves generally know what is best for them.
Our Gardens
Gardens are prepared without conventional methods of plowing or disturbing the integrity of the earth. The practice of Lasagna Gardening is used throughout. The farm provides us with plenty of resources with which to prepare and layer the soil for the healthiest of harvests.