Navajo Churro, Dorset, and Corriedale Sheep
About Navajo Churro
Over 400 years ago Don Juan Onate and the Spanish Conquistadors brought the first Churro sheep into the American Southwest. Navajo-Churro sheep are descended from the ancient Iberian Churra, (later corrupted to "Churro" by American frontiersmen to, the Churra).
Documented as the oldest North American breed, the Churra was prized for its remarkable hardiness, adaptability, and fecundity. By the 17th century flocks existed on ranches and villages along the upper Rio Grande Valley; soon to become an important part of the Navajo Indian’s economy and culture.
In 1863, the U.S. Army decimated the Navajo flocks in hopes of further crippling the native American independence. True survivors of these sheep were found in isolated, remote areas of New Mexico. The fact that these sheep still exist today is a testimony to their endurance and endearment. No other sheep population in the history of the world has survived such selective pressure with such dignity and spirit.
The Navajo-Churro breed still is considered a Rare Breed and listed as such with American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC).
Learn more about the Navajo-Churro breed here (ALBC).
About Corriedale Sheep
Often referred to as the american Merino, the Corriedale. The Corriedale is a cross between the Merino and the English Lincoln Longwool. The name Corriedale was chosen to be the proper name in 1902. The Corriedale is a dual purpose sheep, know for their beautiful wool qualities and meat. We were lucky to be exposed to the breed from a fellow farmer and fell absolutely in love with the wool. In an effort to provide the best wool possible, in 2015 we decided to add the breed to our farm.
About Dorset Sheep
The exact history of the Dorset is a bit unclear. The Dorset breed is also a product of Merino crossing. There is documentation of the breed in Oregon in 1860. The Dorset sheep also breed as a multi-purpose sheep, the Dorset has what is often referred to as a downy fleece. The wool is less dense and offers terrific applications in warmers climates. We were lucky to be exposed to the breed from a mentor and fellow farmer and decided to add them to our flock in 2013.