Almonds, Sweet and Spicy
With intent, I purchased a very large bag of raw almonds.
Almonds are a great snack and a good source of protein! I figured I would make multiple batches of flavored almonds.
I began an online search for the recipe(s) that called to me and of course had great reviews. I don’t know about you but reviews are very important to my decision making process. I love reading folks’ opinions and often get ideas from the reviewer!
My first recipe find and attempt did not disappoint. This recipe is oh so easy and complete in less than 30 minutes.
A guaranteed yummy snack, appetizer or share as a gift and I promise you’ll be thanked immensely!
I found the recipe on The Cafe Sucre Farine , a cute husband and wife team developing and sharing and photographing recipes! This one is fantastic!
Just a little bit of sweet from honey and a little (or a lot, your preference) from cayenne.
WARNING: these will not last
Warning: hide these if you want to have any for later
2 Cups whole almonds
1.5 T honey
1/4 teas salt
2 T sugar
1/2-11/4 teas cayenne
1 teaspoon salt
Oven to 350. Place almonds in center of parchment lined cookie sheet. Add honey and EVOO and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Mix. Place in oven for 3 minutes to “melt” honey a bit and mix again to distribute honey and spread back out on pan. Return to oven and bake 10-13 min. Stir halfway through. While the nuts are baking mix sugar, cayenne and remaining salt. Remove from oven and transfer to another cookie sheet lined with fresh parchment (very important step) Sprinkle with spice mix and toss
until thoroughly coated.
Cool and Enjoy.
Store in airtight container.