Mother Nature's Lessons
It is with a heavy heart I say good bye to my beloved Ares. Of all the happenings on a farm, dealing with death and loss is the most difficult. It happens often in a farmers world. We are careful to watch over the sheep, chickens, and llamas but sometimes you just don't know what might happen. Often it's a predator but sometimes they just go down with some unusual affliction. Very often, it's sometime before your vet can get there and you have to do the best you can. From the raccoon eating chickens, the snake stealing eggs and eating chicks, the buzzards coming in on your lambs or the parasites that take the weakest sheep...each death is sad.
Some just hurt worse then others.
This boy got me.
Sustainability & Our Precious Soil
As farmers, we've been told over and over, your #1 asset is your soil.
It makes sense, the soil is the foundation of everything on this farm. For us and most sustainable livestock farmers the pastures feed our sheep by daily spring, summer, and fall gnashing and in the winter its fed as hay. That's all pretty straight forward, right.?
Prior to my farming life my familiarity with grass was only my own "city" lawn. The lawn that framed my house and defined my space....the lawn I had to mow. Almost every week-end in the summer I knew I'd be rolling out the self propelled grass eating machine to "manicure" my lawn. Just like everyone else in the neighborhood I kept my 9 to 5 schedule during the week knowing yard work, long moments with coffee and the religious newspaper experiences were all part of my upcoming, predictable, always looked forward to week-end. I don't recall ever worrying about the grass other then it's color or the number of dandelions that emerged. I probably could have done more to beautify my lawn but that wasn't my thing. I was all about my garden beds and the pots that adorned my entrance or patio. As long as my grass was "groomed" I didn't do much else to my lawn. My next door neighbor, now he was into it. Every evening after work he was ready to work some more... in his yard. His week-ends were spent fertilizing or amending something. He had the lawn! You know, the kind you imagine running barefoot through. Everyone knows the lawn I'm describing, like a green carpet with perfectly shaped edges.
I drove in and out of that neighborhood with all the perfectly manicured and aspiring to be lawns and never thought was all I'd ever known.
if I knew then what I know now.
As a farmer working directly with mother nature I see so much I never realized.
She speaks in so many visible ways.
Naturally, as grasses grow then die back with the seasons, the soil is replenished with decomposing nutrients and a layer of "mulch" for protection. If we mow the grass or take the grass for our livestock or "manicured" lawns we've robbed the soil of it's natural sources for replenishment .
Simply put, "taking" the grass
impacts the soil's fertility. Whether we mow a lawn or graze a pasture we are interrupting the natural process.
Because we depend on the grasses on our farm we learned very quickly the choices we had available to keep that grass healthy and growing! If we we're going to take her natural source of nutrient we had to give something back.
Our choices? Natural or Synthetic. The nutrients in both types of fertilizer are much the same. The differences lie in their source, quantity, availability to plants and long term effects on the micro life of the soil.
Natural fertilizers sources come from plants, animal waste and natural minerals. They also provide micro nutrients such as boron, copper, iron and manganese. Synthetic fertilizers contain nutrients made from fossil fuels.
See this beautiful pasture? Just as green and lush as you can imagine. It's kept that way at a tremendous expense. Every year the farmer applies synthetic fertilizers and every year it looks like this. What could be wrong with this? Just like my "city" neighbor applying all those synthetic fertilizers on his lawn, the results are gorgeous and we're conditioned to want them that way.
So golly, why not?
The synthetic fertilizers are like steroids, they feed the plant but interrupt the symbiotic relationship between the plant and the soil. The plant can no longer depend on the soil to feed it.
Eventually, the grass, without another application of those same synthetic fertilizers won't even green. The natural flora of the soil is gone. Believe me, I've seen it, even on this same pasture not far from our farm.
Our other option and the only sustainable solution... we rebuild and/or replenish the soil with natural sources of nutrients.
Why isn't the natural solution the most chosen method?
First, we've been conditioned (brainwashed) to dependency on the commercially available options. Second, it takes an investment of time and effort.
It takes years of applying natural sources of nutrients back to your soil for the perfect balance to be achieved. It takes testing your soil to know what's absent. It takes sourcing the nutrients or in our case creating them from sources here on the farm. We collect the leaves and gather our kitchen scraps. We trek our barn waste to our collection areas along with all the other valuable waste materials and layer them together to age. In this way we build our own dark rich compost that we refer to as gold. We apply that "gold" to our pastures and our soil has what it needs to do what mother nature intended...GROW GOOD STUFF!
So, it takes first admitting the need to do it for the health of our soils and ourselves and second the commitment to the investment of time and labor.
Are we willing to make that investment?
Can we afford not to?
Come out to our farm and see first hand how my immediate boss,
Mother Nature
, whispers in my ear, pokes me in the arm and sometimes slaps me upside the head...
As I write this post I feel proud that we've taken the time and ever prouder of that dark, rich, healthy soil we give back to our soils........
Sustainability...What's it all about!
I don't know about you but the term "Sustainability" seems everywhere.
According to
(yes, there is a website)
sustainability is... the simplest and most fundamental is "the ability to sustain" or, put another way "the capacity to endure".
Sustainability is an idea, a philosophy. Sustainability could apply to the economy or society. It's sustainability of our environment that I am most often focused on.
As a farmer, my day to day is spent in and with nature. Mother Nature speaks to me with visible signs. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm special (don't ask my husband that though) I believe her signs are all around all of us. Working, immersed in the great outdoors, I am highly exposed to those signs. Nature is so sensitive to everything we do and her responses are so obvious.
If we pay attention, she will tell us when she doesn't like something.
The real challenge is honoring her requests!
Sometimes the required action goes against our normal way of doing things.
As farmers and more specifically livestock farmers, we're dependent on the grass. I have seen with my own eyes how grass responds to chemicals used to kill it and chemicals, readily available and highly marketed synthetic fertilizers, used to make it grow. When those practices are used grass grows green, grass grows fast and grass grows tall or grass dies, as you wish.
When synthetic products are used the natural cycle is interrupted.
I've seen many a farm that has applied synthetic fertilizers for so many years that the grass will no longer grow unless those synthetics are re-applied. I've seen many a fence line saturated with
better known as RoundUp, that we know requires us to become dependent on more RoundUp in order to achieve that "manicured" look.
Which one of these isn't sustainable?
Our fence line
"Manicured" has become the norm for most of us. We have practiced it for so long it's difficult to see the beauty in "out-a-control" growth but, we must.
I have learned I must change the way I think and see.
This didn't come to me overnight. I too have had to wean myself from the "old" habits. It takes time to change a habit and we become accustomed to a familiar look.
Along the way I've also been enlightened to some facts that support my observations. When we mow our pastures and take the grass for hay each year, we remove nutrients that cannot be recaptured. The natural process of grass going fallow in the winter actually feeds the soil.
I did not know this!
We luckily had the required "need" for successful grass production that made my observations possible. We realized the long term success of our grass depended on mother natures natural cycles and processes. We realized our dependence on the products to make the grass grow faster and taller and greener or not was not only financially unsustainable but environmentally not so either.
Honoring her requests requires action on our part.
Often, the requested action is uncomfortable.
The easiest (but most expensive) thing we could do on our farm is apply synthetic fertilizer. We realized how
that decision would be for the long term success and health of our operation.
We are now doing what our ancestors did before synthetic fertilizers existed...we compost and give it back to the soils. It's not an overnight solution but it is the only
And this folks is a perfect example of SUSTAINABLE practices in play; environmentally, financially and I would argue socially.
What I know now....
Before I begin the real content of this post I want to dedicate this to a couple that came to our farmers market booth last week-end. I had the perfect opportunity and a willing audience and so the discussion began. They were looking through our coolers for some lamb. As it happens from time to time, she looked up at me and said,
"how can you do it?"
here it comes, get ready for it, the predictable yet perplexing comment..........
"I could never eat an animal I raised."
Before farming, I never really thought about how food got to our local grocery stores. Through that plastic wrapping at our local SUPER market I felt confident I had enough experience to spot freshness, what else should matter?
Now, as a farmer growing sheep, pastures, eggs (no worries, I'm not laying eggs), and vegi's I have a whole new perspective. I truly didn't have any idea what was involved. I didn't have to know how the food got to me, the choices were provided and available to me and I knew no other options.
My bet is many of you can relate.
I remember once my family was in England for the holidays and we decided on prime rib for our Christmas dinner. We went to a local butcher because that's often the way they still do things in England. He presented Bessie, photos; family photos, and all. The butcher and his family loved Bessie. Needless to say I couldn't eat Christmas dinner.
If I knew then what I know now!
Through my journey I have concluded, we as consumers are so disconnected from the whole dang process.
Every time we take a few lambs to the arbitrator to be processed, we shed a tear, we hold hands and say a prayer, then we bless them never gets easier.
I have really wrestled with this. I've contemplated my options. We could stop raising lamb and I could become a vegetarian. For a variety of personal reasons I won't go into, vegetarianism isn't for me. So, what would I do if I stopped processing our lambs because it was difficult? If I didn't give up meat would I go into the grocery like most of America and buy those hermetically sealed packages of meat from animals pushed through a food chain living uneventful lives with no tenderness or compassion for their uniqueness on this earth?
This is an example of where most grocery store meat comes from.
It would certainly have been easier to do.
And that... would be so hypocritical.
If folks had to engage in the process there would be a much greater respect for the animals and the food on their tables.
If folks would engage in the process or at least be aware, they couldn't eat meat raised in the horrible conditions so many are raised in.
If folks would engage in the process and be aware, fewer people would be eating meat.
In our house, if we are going to consume meat/fish it will be humanely raised which I also believe is difficult (not impossible) to do if not from a small farm and definitely not from a factory farm.
Because of our new found respect for meat and how it gets to our tables, we don't eat a lot of it.
When we do eat meat it is only from healthy happy animals and farms that strive for that. Yes, it's more expensive and that is part of the reason why we eat less.
Regarding the interaction with the customers last week-end, I followed up her comment sharing the content of this soon to be realized blog, in a few less sentences of course. They were so thankful that I shared the experience. I truly believe they will be more respectful of the process.
I want to thank them for reminding me there are people out there that want to know....
DIY Wool Dryer Balls
You'd never know from my blogs that we raise sheep, would you? I write about farming and such and occasionally show pictures of our sheep. I do talk about farming chores but I haven't spoken of wool, our wool specifically, the many attributes of wool in general, or the many fun and useful things you can do with it.
I think I'm way over due for a blog about wool, don't you?
I have pondered and pondered the topic of wool. Where to begin? I've thought about the many phases and facts regarding wool. I get so overwhelmed with the possibilities for a blog that I put the idea away thinking I'll get back to it another day. I read a post about knitting from a friend over on Google+ , Lynne Knowlton. As Lynne described getting out those knitting needles again I was quickly reminded it's the very basic stuff that folks would enjoy.
It hit me, yes, let's make wool dryer balls!
Stoney Mountain Farm Wool Dryer Balls |
What the heck are wool dryer balls you ask?
Well they're just the coolest laundry alternative out there, of course and I am biased!
If your not inclined to use them as a laundry alternative they make great pet toys, juggling balls, pin cushions, and even the base for more felting projects. I even have one customer that adorns her home with bowls of these natural felted balls of wool, quite nicely too.
So, take this project as a crafty one...that is the intent after all!
Grey wool roving |
I am going to show you how to make them...the best way! There are alot of folks making them out of yarn and that's fine but they won't last as long. We're going to make them from wool roving. Roving is the wool, after it has been washed and carded. Roving is the stage just prior to spinning the carded wool into yarn.
Maybe you have a stash of yarn on hand you'd like to use? Whether yarn or roving, the process we are about to engage in is felting.
For this project all you will need is:
- wool, I would suggest 2 ounces of roving for each ball, totaling 6 ounces. I would also suggest you make 3 wool dryer balls as the desired affects from the wool balls require a minimum of 3. You can purchase roving from a variety of craft stores, our farm, our shop on Etsy or many others, and many other places. I would encourage you to buy it from a farmer or someone that knows the source of the wool and how it is handled.. Like food, wool is being treated in ways you would find least I hope you would. Do you know 80% of the wool grown in this country is being sent to China for processing because the chemical restrictions are lighter there? The wool then returns to you, the unsuspecting buyer. On our farm we only send our wool to U.S. mills that do not use chemicals in any stage of the process...that's hard to find. If you want colorful wool dryer balls you can find roving that has been dyed. We don't use any chemicals or dyes on our wool...just au naturale, only the shades of the sheep.
- a sock, either mens cotton tube sock or a womens trouser sock will work
- rubber bands
- washer& dryer
- laundry soap
Just keep rolling until the full 2 ounces of wool roving is used. Round and round, trying to keep the roving from twisting as you roll.
Let the New Year Begin
So, if you are feeling the emotional pull of the holiday past and have no outlet worthy of your drama, just think forward to the year ahead...that's what I did.
What are New Years resolutions all about anyway? A new year, new start? Organization? Planning? Goals? I imagine all the above would be considered sound reasoning.
According to Wikipedia a 2007 a study about new years resolutions involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study's participants were confident of success at the beginning. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, (a system where small measurable goals are being set; such as, a pound a week, instead of saying "lose weight"), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends.
I have always been a big new years resolution gal. I haven't had much success with them but each and every year I proclaim a few more. I proclaim I will clean more, eat less, work harder, exercise more, be more's a wonder I have time for everyday living. Truth is, as the year moves forward, everyday living kicks in and all those grandiose plans are least until the next new year.
We set out each year planning for our farm too. We have the same goal setting approach but try to be a bit less casual about the results, it is our livelihood after all. In the business environment it's referred to as forecasting.
Forecasting is the process of making statements about events whose actual
outcomes (typically) have not yet been observed....wikipedia
Sounds like "resolutions" to me
In 2014 we plan to grow our flock. Calling it resolutions or forecasting matters not, our motivations are the same. We established a goal, based on previous results. We simply recognized that demand exceeds supply. We did some forecasting and set a goal. Our goal was achievable because our farm, our acreage to be exact, can support more sheep.
At the core of our mission, always, is to raise healthy happy animals and that means providing the proper conditions. Plain and simple, there needs to be enough good quality grass for the number of sheep.
Our goal:doable!
Truth is each year on the farm we make lots of plans. We plan not to have any noxious weeds in our pasture, each year we do. Each year we plan not to loose sheep, each year we do.
Each year I am made very aware that we are not in control here. Each year I am reminded, no matter our desired outcome, mother nature will preside over the results.
Whether in our personal lives or our businesses, we set each new year in motion hoping to create some modem of control, yet it is not to be....
DIY Heat
This past fall we began gathering wood for our winters heat. On one particularly beautiful fall day my husband and I headed out to gather the split wood from trees he had already dropped for one reason or another.
Immature Sweet Gum seed pod |
We choose trees that are nuisance trees like sweet gums. I hate to call any tree a nuisance but sweet gums drop seed pods that get in our sheep's wool and create major havoc. We choose trees that might have been hit by lightening, or others that if we don't take them down they're coming down on their own. An amazing tid bit of information I've learned through my recent wood burning experience is that each tree variety produces a different quality of heat.
My right hand is on the gas lever |
We have a great system working together. My husband John uses the chain saw and cuts the logs. I place each log into the wood splitter. The gas powered splitter feeds the log into a steel wedge that splits the log. Each log gets split in two, then each 1/2 gets split in 1/2 again. So, each log is basically split into 4.
Shall we say it is then, a "pretty log"?
WHOLEsome Food: EGGS
The post got my attention but so did the comments from folks still talking about the price of eggs. I hear folks gripe a lot about the price of farm fresh eggs.
No question, farm fresh food can be pricey in comparison to the big box stores. We're so conditioned to the prices established by the industrial size farms, when we're faced with the prices associated with the small, local growers offering the most healthful alternatives we often feel a bit of sticker shock.
Many folks realize the choice they're making but for those that want to be a bit enlightened I thought it was time to share a bit of chicken and egg farming reality...
Yes, you can buy a dozen factory eggs from chickens lucky to see the light of day. You can always be assured your eggs come from tightly confined hens dropping their eggs on a conveyor belt. And yes, you can get those for around $1.99 or sometimes less!
Pastured, free range chicken eggs run $4-$5 in our neck of the woods. Organic are even higher I'm not going to engage the "organic" discussion here, that might be a future Blog.
Let me show you what you get for that extra $1.50.
Look at the difference in nutrients! |
And, if nutrients don't get your attention (the foodie in me never leaves the room) have you tasted the difference in a farm fresh egg and a store bought?
Can you see the one? Now you should taste the difference! |
The Spider and the Butterfly
My sweet husband often reminds me of a childhood memory of his, a teacher would often ask "wonder why they call them butterflies, not flutter bys'?" Watch a butterfly. You don't see butter but you sure see flutter.
In the mornings I try to walk.
My morning walks are surrounded only by the sounds, smells and movements of nature. There isn't much else around me. Point is, I'm especially aware in these early morning moments. On this particular
morning walk
I noticed the frantic flutter of a butterfly's wings suspended in a not yet bloomed cluster of milkweed. The butterfly was obviously in trouble. I had to help! So I approached the butterfly. Sorry no photos. I don't carry technology with me on my walks. It didn't take long to notice that the butterfly was caught in a spider web. Even better, little miss spider(nothing little about her really) sat, perched on the branch above, waiting for the last flap of the beautiful butterfly's wings.
I couldn't just let this travesty take place. Death and dining by a yucky old spider! The milkweed was situated on the embankment, not an easy access point for me to reach. With a little ingenuity I was able to whisk the web loose from the butterfly and off she flew as high as my neck could reach to see.
Oh my heart felt free; and happy
. I almost skipped the next distance. After my heart came back down to earth I began worrying about what I had done. I mean really, I had to have
to worry about. After all, the spider has to eat. I interfered with her breakfast. I'm not fond of spiders that's true. I don't imagine many of us are. I do try to respect
all Gods creatures
We raise an endangered breed of sheep, the
s on our farm. As such, I am aware of many of the teachings and beliefs of the Navajo Indians.
is a wonderful spiritual story that suggests
weaving and the spiders web are interconnected
I might wrinkle my nose or scream at the idea of a spider. I really don't appreciate the itchy whelps I find about my body from time to time. I must admit though I have a sense of respect for them least my higher self does!
So, I continued to walk thinking of the spider and feeling bad.
I had interfered with the natural process
. Not respecting the cycle of life I took matters into my hands and saved that butterfly. I interfered in the natural process!
Wait just a minute,
aren't I part of the process too?
Isn't that all part of life? Unsuspecting people interfere all the time. Get in the way. Ky bosh a plan. By the time I walked out as far as I wanted to go and turned to circle back to the farm I had concluded I would go apologize to the spider but not feel too much guilt for what I had done. My motivations were genuine. Maybe she wouldn't even be there? As I got closer to the specific frond of milkweed I looked and you cannot imagine what I saw...the milkweed was
covered with unsuspecting butterflies!
So, Ms. spider might not have had breakfast but she would feast on lunch and dinner too. Milkweed attracts butterflies. Ms Spider knows that too. I stopped, looked close and said, "sorry about your breakfast but from the looks of things you'll be dining fine in no time." I turned to continue my way home. I couldn't help but think how easily a thoughtful gesture can be considered otherwise. How easily our kind reach can be considered interference.
I chuckled at myself over the whole ordeal. I smile at the moments spent that morning with the spider and the butterfly.
What I realized. in the end,
everything turns out as it should
They don't wear galoshes
As livestock farmers, were not complaining. If your in the business of grass, things are good! We have an abundance of grass and the sheep are loving it. This would be a year we'd duplicate in a heart beat...if given the choice. Alas, that's not the way mother nature works. So, we'll enjoy our bounty this year and hope to be as grateful next year.... regardless of what she has in store for us.
Rain or shine, there are chores on the farm that must be done! Egg collections is just one.
Much to the dismay of Sir Richard (pictured here) we collect eggs daily. He'd prefer having little progeny strutting about. At least, based on his frequency of procreation you'd want to think that. Believe you me, it's far from his fault there aren't little chicks running around. Those of you that know chickens know what I'm talking about. Wear those hens OUT! That's why many farms choose not to have a rooster. Unless you want chicks there is really no reason to have roosters. Unless of course your like me and believe a farm isn't complete with out the morning crow of the rooster.
The girls have nesting boxes to lay their eggs. The nesting boxes are under the cover of the chicken coop roof so neither the nests or the coop perches are exposed to rain or mud. The nesting boxes themselves aren't muddy. Just how do those eggs get so muddy? Maybe their feather bums drag across the grass hitting the occasional mud puddle or two and that's how it happens? They share nesting boxes so maybe it's one hen that is just a dirty girl with dirty feet? Maybe it's one hen that likes to dirty the other girls eggs? Maybe the hens get a little crazy?
Maybe Hen Party has more meaning then we know? There are too many dirty eggs for it to be one or two hens. How many hens does it take to have a hen party?
December 2024
- Dec 5, 2024 Seventeen Years of Sheep, Sweat, and Manchego: A Love Story Dec 5, 2024
September 2024
- Sep 10, 2024 Back to basics with sheep healthcare Sep 10, 2024
- Sep 10, 2024 Mac and Cheese Bites Sep 10, 2024
August 2024
- Aug 12, 2024 Tales of a female farmer Aug 12, 2024
July 2024
- Jul 12, 2024 Caring for sheep hides Jul 12, 2024
- Jul 11, 2024 Cucumber Lemonade Jul 11, 2024
- Jul 1, 2024 Cucumber Gazpacho Jul 1, 2024
May 2024
- May 23, 2024 Almonds, Sweet and Spicy May 23, 2024
January 2024
- Jan 17, 2024 Sheep fencing gone wrong… Jan 17, 2024
- Jan 17, 2024 In the beginning :Tales from the shepherd Jan 17, 2024
April 2023
- Apr 3, 2023 The journey to vegetarian, or not? Apr 3, 2023
March 2023
- Mar 20, 2023 Making sense of scents, or not... Mar 20, 2023
February 2023
- Feb 26, 2023 Lamb Sliders Feb 26, 2023
March 2022
- Mar 15, 2022 HOW TO BE THE BEST SHEPHERD: Lessons from a sheep Mar 15, 2022
January 2022
- Jan 17, 2022 Lamb Bone Broth /Stock Jan 17, 2022
April 2021
- Apr 26, 2021 Farming through Covid Apr 26, 2021
June 2020
- Jun 19, 2020 Turning 60 Jun 19, 2020
January 2020
- Jan 12, 2020 wool dryer ball transparency Jan 12, 2020
September 2019
- Sep 10, 2019 It's hard not to project Sep 10, 2019
June 2019
- Jun 21, 2019 Weaning, a whole new meaning Jun 21, 2019
- Jun 17, 2019 Strawberry Balsamic Basil Pops Jun 17, 2019
- Jun 10, 2019 Collard Salad Jun 10, 2019
February 2019
- Feb 28, 2019 Shearing Day was not a washout! Feb 28, 2019
- Feb 5, 2019 The life of a sheep! Feb 5, 2019
January 2019
- Jan 25, 2019 Lamb Liver Paté Jan 25, 2019
August 2018
- Aug 23, 2018 Pokeweed, Friend or Foe? Aug 23, 2018
July 2018
- Jul 20, 2018 Cucumbers Galore Jul 20, 2018
September 2016
- Sep 5, 2016 Mother Nature's Lessons Sep 5, 2016
August 2016
- Aug 23, 2016 Walking the Walk Aug 23, 2016
July 2015
- Jul 2, 2015 To Wean or not to Wean Jul 2, 2015
February 2015
- Feb 1, 2015 Sustainability & Our Precious Soil Feb 1, 2015
July 2014
- Jul 24, 2014 Squash Lasagna Jul 24, 2014
- Jul 24, 2014 Squash Squares Jul 24, 2014
June 2014
- Jun 2, 2014 Sustainability...What's it all about! Jun 2, 2014
May 2014
- May 29, 2014 What I know now.... May 29, 2014
April 2014
- Apr 4, 2014 Is the boss the farmer or the sheep? Apr 4, 2014
- Apr 3, 2014 Felted Chicks Apr 3, 2014
January 2014
- Jan 28, 2014 Lamb Ribs Jan 28, 2014
- Jan 26, 2014 DIY Wool Dryer Balls Jan 26, 2014
- Jan 15, 2014 Let the New Year Begin Jan 15, 2014
- Jan 13, 2014 DIY Heat Jan 13, 2014
October 2013
- Oct 30, 2013 WHOLEsome Food: EGGS Oct 30, 2013
- Oct 7, 2013 Cinnamon Pickles Oct 7, 2013
- Oct 7, 2013 Dog Biscuits Oct 7, 2013
September 2013
- Sep 18, 2013 Peaches, Peaches everywhere Sep 18, 2013
August 2013
- Aug 14, 2013 The Spider and the Butterfly Aug 14, 2013
July 2013
- Jul 30, 2013 They don't wear galoshes Jul 30, 2013
- Jul 21, 2013 Blackberry Lime Jam Jul 21, 2013
- Jul 11, 2013 Lamb Sliders Jul 11, 2013
- Jul 9, 2013 Our Little Orchard Jul 9, 2013
- Jul 2, 2013 The Hay Bale Fiasco Jul 2, 2013
May 2013
- May 17, 2013 My Secret Place May 17, 2013
- May 2, 2013 April. Did I miss it? May 2, 2013
March 2013
- Mar 28, 2013 Prada to Carhart Mar 28, 2013
February 2013
- Feb 21, 2013 Puttin Up the Fence Feb 21, 2013
- Feb 7, 2013 Lovely Cup of Chai Feb 7, 2013
- Feb 5, 2013 Looking for Llama's Feb 5, 2013
January 2013
- Jan 29, 2013 Winter Garden Jan 29, 2013
- Jan 24, 2013 The rams are back in their pasture Jan 24, 2013
September 2012
- Sep 7, 2012 Pickles! Sep 7, 2012
June 2012
- Jun 13, 2012 Morning Gifts Jun 13, 2012
- Jun 5, 2012 Finding the Words Jun 5, 2012
April 2012
- Apr 13, 2012 The girls and a few token boys! Apr 13, 2012
March 2012
- Mar 30, 2012 Flavor! Mar 30, 2012
October 2011
- Oct 9, 2011 Hay. A little three letter word that packs a PUNCH! Oct 9, 2011
July 2011
- Jul 22, 2011 The Glorious Tomato Jul 22, 2011
February 2011
- Feb 10, 2011 Shearing Day 2011 Feb 10, 2011
November 2010
- Nov 30, 2010 This farm gives me Goose Bumps Nov 30, 2010
July 2010
- Jul 23, 2010 Another aHaa Moment in Farming Jul 23, 2010
February 2010
- Feb 24, 2010 Farmers Wearing Lace? Feb 24, 2010
- Feb 16, 2010 Girls with no Coats Feb 16, 2010
January 2010
- Jan 4, 2010 Midnite on the farm Jan 4, 2010
April 2009
- Apr 22, 2009 Hard Day on the Farm Apr 22, 2009
- Apr 15, 2009 Lamb Meatballs Apr 15, 2009
- Apr 14, 2009 Spring Apr 14, 2009
- Apr 14, 2009 Roasted Coffee Marinated Leg of Lamb Apr 14, 2009
- Apr 13, 2009 In the Beginning Apr 13, 2009