Olga Elder Olga Elder

Farmers Wearing Lace?

Who said farmers can’t wear lace?

It has , on multiple occasions, come to my attention that folks assume female farmers wouldn't wear lace?

Understanding as I am I’m trying to grasp the stereotype.

You might not see the haute couture behind Carhart overalls but I suggest you not underestimate what goes underneath ...

I mean really, can't we drive tractors and wear lace?

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Olga Elder Olga Elder

Girls with no Coats

February 28th we have scheduled shearing day 2010. We have had such an extreme winter I can only hope these sheep have more in their closets? We have a professional shearer come to the farm so we have to schedule in advance. Last year, this date would have been better then our chosen March date which was a down pour...but no freezing temps. Surely, any sheep on my farm would have a fashion fall back, wouldn't they? Alas, the event must go on. The day begins early so we require a really good nights rest. We shear the rams (boys)1st. As many of you know we have 2 adult rams, Mi Sueno (my dream) and Kola (my friend). Both characters by their own rites. Every time these guys have to reacquaint themselves it's a site not for the faint of heart. Although I quickly remove my self to the ever so sweet and reasonable gals, the "ramming" noise reverberates about the whole farm! Now these two have been in the same pasture since January. Without fail, when they loose that wool they do not recognize each others naked selves and so it goes again. Yes, boys will be boys.
Then, on to the girls. One might think an easier task but shear numbers contradict that. We have some 35 girls this year!
It will be a fun day. It always is. Lots of folks come to see something they've never before and may never again experience. We have a nice warm lunch around noon. Our shearer loves to educate and share. The farm gets bigger every year. Yes, a bigger job ahead but it marks and interesting phase each year for me. We are soon to see all the littlest ones hitting the ground, my very favorite time on the farm.
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Olga Elder Olga Elder

Midnite on the farm

What are you thinking? Is she about to describe the star lit skies? The moon across the pond? Nope, nothing so obvious....John and I put on our insulated Carharts and with flash light in hand to wrastle a guinea hen! As you may or may not know, guineas are impossible to catch unless they're roosting...or sleeping as it is. They get high in the rafters of the barn and "sleep" and are almost blind without light. Problem was one of the guinea hens had gotten string (goodness only knows where she got it) wrapped around and around and around her little (very dangerous) legs. Knowing this was a difficult resolve I had watched her closely for several days, hoping she would get it off but no luck, in fact it seemed to get more tangled. So, our only resolve was a mid night trek to the barn. We had to be very quite, those of you who know me know how hard that is for me. John got the ladder and up he went...I knew he was nervous, staring upward at those guinea behinds, all in a row, and very sharp talons. He grabbed and I supported his legs as he walked back down the ladder with a screaming guinea hen...you'd think we we're killing her! Anyway, out I brought my scissors while he so gently held her screaming self....we got the string OFF...back to the house we went, mind you it was about 11 degrees at that moment. Our heads hit the pillows feeling so thankful we were able to help her. It will take her awhile, as of today, 2 days after the event ...all she remembers is that duo with the flash light that interuppted her night sleep. All in a day on the farm....after midnight!
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Olga Elder Olga Elder

Hard Day on the Farm

Yes, the plight of a farmer...chores are always there and NEVER done. Such a hard life!

A beautiful spring day and I had to perch myself atop the green machine...my other Deere, John. Bush Hogging, it's referred to (named for the implement you pull from the tractor's hydraulics behind). The pasture is being prepped for spring hay! Around and around I go, "bushogging". The only heart racing that takes place from my estimation is from the unobstructed views of nature all around. I share my day of "hard work" with the birds overhead, the mysterious creatures heads peaking from the pond until I approach (quickly they disappear) with each round. This job can take all day you know. The hours pass, life plans are made, gardens are prepped, the house is cleaned...all in my mind of course....but, who cares...it's done!
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Olga Elder Olga Elder

Lamb Meatballs

OK. I must give credit to our friend, Candace Turney ( I think her sister had something to do with it. I made them as apps. I made a variation of the tomatoe sauce for dipping and also had a yogurt sauce. They were good weren't they

4 lbs of your ground lamb2 or 3 eggs (depending upon the size)½ c oatmeal6 cloves garlic1 Tbsp ground cumin2 tsp cinnamon1 tsp ground coriander½ tsp hot pepper flakes½ c currents½ c toasted pine nuts10 -12 scallions finely chopped1 c. parsley finely choppedSalt to taste
We mixed the oatmeal with the eggs and let it soak for a bit before mixing in everything else for the meatballs.
The sauce was 2 large cans of tomatoes6 cloves garlic3 lg onions finely chopped1 cup red wine
Sauteed the onions & garlic in some olive oil then added the tomatoes & wine.
The meatballs cooked in the sauce. Towards the end we added 1 c. of spicy green olives________________________________________
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Olga Elder Olga Elder


We haven't shed our coats yet (as it should be) but we see signs of spring everywhere. From the lambs, to our pastures bursting with strong healthy grass and clover (also know as "legumes" to the livestock farmer.) Mother Nature sure knew timing for all the mothers and their young. The babes hit the ground at a time when the forage is full of protein and fiber, right for the demands of the moms raising their young ones. Maybe I'll soon test my capabilites with video clips...you cannot imagine the level of cute when the lambs all huddle. Charging thru the pastures they go, kicking up those wee little legs.
My mouth waters over the soon to be riches of the garden.
Grape vines showing the first signs , hardy pears trees in full blossom, delicate cherries preparing to bear fruit for whomever gets there first! We have already enjoyed asparagus and lettuce fresh from our garden. I had NO idea what asparagus NOT from the grocery could be like. With the 1st cut of the stalk the juices flow like you can't believe. I never knew! My greatest challenge is getting what I pick into the house before it hits my lips!

Then, our projects, whew, our projects! On a good day I exclaim, "we're never bored...if you don't want one project that day, there is always another. You can imagine how I might rephrase that on a bad day.
Alas, what would our days be without "lists"
that never seem to go away?
As we've grown we continue to outgrow...so our fencing continues.
John swears he'll be fencing FOREVER. No, I reassure him (hmm, I think he'll be done someday ....he should be, right?).
The good news for this section
of the fence is we will soon have
sheep in our front yard and a whole lot less
grass to mow!
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Recipes Olga Elder Recipes Olga Elder

Roasted Coffee Marinated Leg of Lamb

Leg of Lamb, marinated with roasted coffee, garlic, and rosemary? Need I say more?

A recipe from award winning chef, Louis Osteen

One of the primary reasons I started blogging was for all the folks that have approached me at the Durham Farmers Market with such wonderful lamb recipes. There has been a tremendous interest in "sharing" the recipes and I too am excited to hear and try all these mouth watering ideas.

This post is to share one of our legendary lamb favorites!

My family was lucky to have known and loved the renowned chef, Louis Osteen. Two of my sisters actually worked for the Osteen’s. One of my sisters was super lucky to work alongside him in his kitchen. It was quite an experience for her and we still recall many of Louis’ best recipes. For me personally, when she recreates his masterpieces it’s as if she channels him. She knew his tricks, if you will…I mean he taught her.

She knew this recipe long before I was raising sheep. Now the joke is I often forget to give credit where credit is due. I use this recipe so often, whether sharing it or cooking it. I’ve converted folks to the love of lamb with this recipe. I don’t mind saying with full assurance, you will NOT be disappointed!

with out further ado…here is the recipe. I realize measurements aren’t clear. Just know your looking for about 2 cups of marinade. The measurements will accumulate quickly. the ground coffee is 1/4 cup and the red wine, olive oil and coffee take up most of the liquid space. Just begin, it will make sense and it's also very forgiving!

Roasted Coffee Marinated Leg of Lamb:
1. S&P entire leg
2. Mix marinade:
· Coffee beans, roasted under broiler unitl crisp…be careful they burn easily. Grindcoarse,not fine, ¼ c
· Fresh Rosemary LOTS, chopped
· Coarse ground Mustard
· Very dark brewed coffee, expresso if possible
· Red wine
· Garlic, LOTS
· Olive Oil
Combine all in food processor to yield about 2C. Coat lamb w/ paste and pour liquids over. Marinade for at least 2 hours.
Grill. IMO, your looking for about 130°

Excuse me, my mouth is watering. I’m going to fire up the grill now. You won’t be surprised to know I just so happen to have a leg of lamb!

And finally, to my dear sister, it is written, I am forever grateful that you shared this divine recipe with me

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Olga Elder Olga Elder

In the Beginning

OK, Here goes... Me, blogging! We have had so much interest in the day to day happenings here on the farm as well as recipes and photos. I so hope I can do this justice. There are so many blogs I have seen that are so engaging. I only hope I can bring you, our friends, customers, and supporters, a blog worth checking in!
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